- Get a Team together and nominate, Forms available at canteen or the Forms page on the Web site.
- Carnival is set for weekend of the 29-2-2020 and 1-3-2020.
- Games Played As Per Thursday Night Games.
- Shortened Halves.
- No Female Restrictions Apply.
- Barbeque Dinner Supplied On Saturday evening.
- Round Robin Pools Played On Saturday.
- Finals Played On Sunday.
- $200.00 nomination fee per team.
- Over 30's, over 45's and 55's Divisions for Men
- Over 30's Division for Women.
- Contact Woody on 0401397292 for more information.
- post entries to Grafton Supa Oldie Soccer, P O Box 468 Grafton NSW 2460.
- Grafton Cup Carnival Flyer
Grafton Cup Carnival
Cancelled for 29/2/2020 and 1/3/ 2020